The adult class is engaged in a Bible study of the Gospel of Luke. During February, the class will discuss chapters 4-7. Please feel free to join in the discussion whenever you are available. We meet in the Conference Room following the 9:00 worship service at 10:00 and end about 10:45.
Crossroads Confirmation
For Lutherans, Confirmation is a valuable milestone in our life of faith, a time of intentional learning, formation, and relationship-building as young people explore more deeply the faith given to them in baptism. At Our Redeemer, Crossroads Confirmation is a three-year program for students in 7th grade and above, which includes monthly class time, participation in worship, and other formation opportunities.
Growing in God
Growing in God (Sunday School) classes meet Sunday mornings at 10am. Students in pre-k and kindergarten meet upstairs in the preschool rooms, 1st-6th graders meet in the social hall, and 7th-12th graders meet in the youth room. Parents/guardians should plan to complete the “Student Information Sheet” online. Talk to Pastor Kerri or Phyllis Permar if you have any questions.
Growing in God class for babies, toddlers, and parents
New this fall is a Growing in God class for parents and kids from birth through age 2! We'll meet upstairs in the back preschool room for songs, stories, movement, and conversation. For now, the class will run from 10:15-10:45am. If you are interested in serving as a leader for this class one or two Sundays per month, please talk to Pastor Kerri.
Pub Theology
If you are you looking for a place to meet or make friends, and discuss the important things of life? Pub Theology is the place for you. Each time we meet, a new topic of discussion is raised ranging from theological to social. The topic is revealed that evening at each table. A clear set of Ground Rules (posted at each table) ensure that all opinions are respected. There is no need to be a Bible Scholar or a theologian because your interests and life experiences are enough for this gathering. Current participants come from many denominational backgrounds and we are also enriched by individuals within the group that view themselves as agnostic, atheist or uncertain. Pub Theology is meant to be a safe space where people can come to talk, listen and make friends.
Our next meeting for Pub Theology will be on Tuesday, February 25 at Bubba’s Gourmet Burghers & Beer-Southpointe.
Vacation Bible School
VBS Planning Meeting - The weather is chilly, but it’s time to start thinking about summer and our annual week of Vacation Bible School! A planning meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 19 at 6:30pm. We’ll discuss dates and curriculum options. If you’re not able to attend but would still like to be involved in planning, let Pastor Kerri know.