Sign up for events on the bulletin board in the lobby or online.
Faithful Filmgoers
Our next movie outing will be Friday evening, February 21. Whatever movie theater we go to (Bridgeville, Galleria, or South Hills Village), discussion after the movie will be at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse, 1819 Washington Road, Upper St. Clair (outside the South Hills Village Mall). Details will be coming your way the week of the big event! To be put on the email list, send your name and email address to Steve D'Addieco.
Dining Divas
Dining Divas is a monthly gathering of women who are members and friends of Our Redeemer. We visit restaurants located between Upper St. Clair and Washington. Each person pays for her own meal. We sign up monthly, so you can come as you are able. Please consider joining in as we get to know one another and celebrate our fellowship in Christ. On Tuesday, March 11, we will meet at Ramen King (3351 Washington Road, McMurray, next to the church) at 12:30 pm. (Note that this date is different than what we set at the beginning of the year.)
Game Night
2nd Annual Game Night - All ages are welcome to join us on Saturday, March 15 from 6:30-9pm in the social hall for easy-to-learn fun games, snacks and ice cream sundaes. Sign up using the link above. Help is needed with set-up or clean-up too.
Holy Hikers
What/who is a Holy Hiker… YOU!
This fellowship event(s) is designed to get you outside and explore some of the scenic hikes in Washington and surrounding counties.
Everyone is welcome, RSVPs not required (just show up at the time and place).
Friends are welcome (again, just show up).
Out and back hikes to permit early turn-arounds (if you don’t want to go the whole distance).
Self-paced so no need to keep up with the fast-walkers (bring a friend to hike with!).
Holy-Hikers is an easy-going, informal, come as you are, participate as you will, get exercise, have fun group!!