We gather weekly to worship God through song, prayer, and proclamation. Each service includes Holy Communion. As Lutherans we believe that God is really present in the bread and wine we share, and all are welcome at God's table of grace.
WEEKEND WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday, 5:30pm Sunday, 9:00am Sunday, 11:00am (In person and livestreamed)
Worship Livestream
The 11am service (10am during the summer) is streamed live each Sunday on the Our Redeemer Facebook page and YouTube channel. Find a copy of the weekly bulletin here.
Snow/Bad Weather Policy
When a winter weather event occurs or when the weather forecast predicts a snow event to take place during the time of scheduled worship, the Senior Pastor and Council President will make a decision regarding the cancellation of one or more worship services. While the goal is to never cancel a worship service, the safety of our staff and worshippers will be kept in mind. If a decision is made to cancel one or more worship services, the congregation will be notified via Constant Contact (the congregational email). Notice will also be posted on this website and Facebook.
What to Expect
Parking is plentiful in the lot around the church building.
Follow along with the liturgy (the parts of the service) in the printed bulletin or on the screen at the front of the sanctuary. Portions for the congregation to read are shown in bold print. Singing is an important part of Lutheran worship, and all are encouraged to join in making a joyful noise.
Communion is celebrated at each worship service. As Lutherans we believe that God is really present in the bread and wine we share, and all are welcome to receive. Communion is served with wafers and small glasses of wine filled from a pouring chalice (Sundays) or by intinction (Saturday). Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are available by request. Infants and those who do not receive communion are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing.
Children are always welcome in worship! Pick up a clipboard as you come in with crayons/pencil and a thematic children's bulletin with pictures and activities. Come forward for the children's sermon to hear about the day's readings in an easy-to-understand way. Space is available in the narthex with couches, toys, books, and crayons for young children who may need a break from the sanctuary. The service is broadcast in that space.